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Windows release 1.9: new version – new features!

smatrix agroscience for Windows 1.9 – as customary for us at this time of year we are proud to present our latest version of smatrix agroscience for Windows.

New version – new features!

smatrix agroscience for Windows 1.9 – that´s new:

The release of this new version marks a change in our commercial model: smatrix agroscience for Windows is now available exclusively on a subscription basis. This also means that there will no longer be a major release at the beginning of each year. Instead, we will publish updates and upgrades regularly as soon as they have been developed.

For many of our existing and potential customers, a subscription model is not only more economically attractive, but also offers far greater flexibility in use. Rather than a high investment at the beginning, the new subscription model includes the most important services at a low price.

What new features awaiting you as a subscriber now?

  • New language: Italian
    With the growing popularity of smatrix, we have often heard from potential customers from Italy who would like to use smatrix in their native language. So we are happy to say:
    Benvenuto nel mondo di smatrix e divertiti ad usarlo!
  • Simplified operation and configuration
    Intuitive, user-friendly operation – that's what it's all about. By using the human voice, the most natural tool at our disposal, we have been firmly on this path since the beginning. But there are times when manual configuration is necessary, and we have taken further steps to simplify this. We have now created a new trial set-up procedure, divided into several screens, which makes the process far easier.
  • Improved configuration validation
    While configuring a trial, to make you more aware of any missing elements that would prevent you from starting the trial, we have made a number of improvements to the user interface.
  • Revised manuals
    The familiar manual from Windows 1.8 and previous versions has now been divided into three different manuals – each one for specific purposes:

    Installation manual: This briefly describes how to install smatrix and is intended for the IT department or the persons responsible for installing smatrix.

    User manual: This describes all smatrix functions, including many helpful examples for various kinds of trials, and is therefore aimed directly at smatrix users.

    Expert manual:  This covers all the important information needed to create your own terms and value ranges using XML.
  • Various types of field trials
    Over the years, we have created templates of various types of field trials for you to use in smatrix, such as subsamples, counts and trials with multi-level traits. We have now made these even easier to select via the improved user interface.

To see the latest improvements and new features for yourself, you can book your own personal online demonstration here:

➔ Make your appointment for an online demonstration here!

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