New language variants available now
To meet the rising popularity of smatrix, we have developed three new language variants to provide native speakers with an even higher recognition of the language input. This is because region- or country-specific accents of a language can influence the recognition:
So, in addition to the languages you already know, there are now the following new ones:
If you are using smatrix on Android, you can download the new languages in the menu item 'Language' after an update in the Google Play Store.
If you use smatrix on Windows, the installation packages for the new variants will be stored in your dawin Online Drive, from where you can download and then install them.
NOTE: These new language variants are only supported by the new version of smatrix. You will find this version in your dawin Online Drive for download. If you do not plan to use one of the new variants, you do not need to update smatrix.
If you are not yet working with smatrix, take your chance and convince yourself of the advantages of electronic data capturing with smatrix for 30 days completely free of charge (no cancellation required). You can download smatrix easily and conveniently from the Google Play Store and get started right away:
➔ smatrix agroscience for Android in the Google Play Store
How could we tailor smatrix even better to your individual needs? We are happy to take your suggestions on board: info(at)