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Data collection for follow-up work in plant protection trials

Manual data collection can be problematic, especially during follow-up work in plant protection trials - the risk of contamination with pesticides is high. Data collection by voice with smatrix keeps hands and eyes free.

Precise data collection is a key factor for meaningful results in agricultural research, especially in plant protection trials. Often, this data is still collected manually using pen and paper or tablets. But this approach can be problematic, especially for follow-up work shortly after a treatment in trials, because there is a risk of contamination from the pesticides already applied to the area.

The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety in Germany (“Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit”, BVL) specifically points out that strict regulations must be followed to protect employees. These include the wearing of protective equipment such as overalls and gloves in order to minimize health risks from pesticides.

The traditional manual data collection method brings some challenges. If you collect your data on a tablet or with a pen, there is a risk of pesticide residues being transferred to the equipment or utensils. Not only is it difficult to operate the tablet or hold the pen when wearing gloves, there is also a risk that you will take the contaminated objects into the car, for example, without even realizing that there are pesticide residues on them.

Digital data collection by voice with smatrix has proven to be the optimal solution for such use cases. Instead of physically interacting with a tablet or notepad, you can enter your observations and measured values directly by voice while working in the field or greenhouse. You open your trial in smatrix, then your cell phone or tablet disappears into the pockets of your overalls. Put on your headset and gloves - and you are ready to assess the treated area. Your hands remain free and there is no need to touch devices and thereby contaminate them. This minimizes the risk of unintentional carry-over of plant protection products. At the same time, it is easier to comply with the strict safety requirements of the BVL, as there is continuous protection between the user and the object being treated. This is because overalls and gloves can be worn during the entire trial.

In addition to increased safety, voice-controlled data collection with smatrix also improves efficiency. The data is recorded digitally in real time, eliminating the need for additional manual input. This reduces sources of error and saves valuable time when transferring data to digital systems at a later time. smatrix makes it possible to document even complex trial data quickly and securely without interrupting your workflow.

This means that your crop protection trials can be carried out not only precisely and quickly, but also safely. You minimize the risk of contamination and optimize your workflow at the same time. Would you like to find out how smatrix can simplify your specific application? Our colleagues will be happy to advise you free of charge and without obligation. Write to us via our contact form or call us on +49 2242 96959-60. We will be happy to find out together with you how smatrix can support you in your work.

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